How Much is Joel Osteen Net Worth in 2024?

Joel Osteen is one of the most popular and influential pastors in the world. As of 2024, Joel Osteen net worth around $100 million. He is senior pastor of Lakewood Church, a mega church located in Houston Texas with an attendance of about 50,000 every week. He is also a number one selling author, televangelist and motivational speaker that reaches millions through his books, TV broadcasts, podcasts and live events.

How does Joel Osteen make and spend his money? This blog post will examine his income sources, life style as well as controversies.

Sources of Joel Osteen Net Worth

According to several sources Joel Osteen has an estimated net worth of $100 million as at 2024.This is said to be from royalties on his books and speaking engagements where he allegedly earns $55 million every year. Since 2005 he hasn’t been taking any salary from his church but instead claims that he sustains himself from the earnings connected with his books.

TV Shows Funds

Also, Osteen funds his own TV show that is aired in more than one hundred countries and has about ten million weekly viewers. He does not accept any contributions from viewership as he pays for airtime himself. Additionally, he trades CDs, DVDs, calendars, as well as other things related to his message.

Speaking Charges

Moreover, Osteen charges for his speaking engagements which usually occur in sold-out stadiums across America and around the globe. His venues have included Yankee Stadium, Madison Square Garden Dodger Stadium and Staples Center among others. However, he charges between $100k and $300k depending on the size and place of the venue per event.

Joel Osteen Biography

Joel Osteen was born on the 5th of March, 1963 in Houston Texas. He is one of six children of John Osteen and Dolores Pilgrim Osteen. His father was a former Southern Baptist Pastor who founded Lakewood Church in 1959. His mother co-founded the church and wrote several books.


Osteen graduated from Humble High School in 1981 where he later attended Oral Roberts University in Oklahoma, studying radio and television communications but did not graduate. He returned to Houston in 1982 as Director of Television Production for Lakewood Church. In 1983 he was ordained as a Minister and preached his first sermon after his Dad passed away.

Osteen Wife

On the 4th April, 1987, Osteen got married to Victoria Iloff who’s a co-pastor at Lakewood Church besides being an author. They met during the year of their engagement when he went to purchase a new watch battery at her mom’s jewelry store back in nineteen eighty five (1985). They have two kids; Jonathan born in1995 and Alexandra born in1998 both involved with church music ministry.

Joel Osteen Wife

Besides, Osteen’s outlook on life is highly positive and optimistic. He contends that he would rather focus on God’s benevolence and the potential of people than on anything negative in this world. Furthermore, he tries to live a balanced life by doing regular exercise, eating healthy foods, and spending quality time with close family members and friends.

NameJoel Osteen
Date Of Birth1963-03-05
Age60 Years
BirthplaceHouston, Texas
ProfessionAmerican preacher
Marriage StatusMarried
Wife NameVictoria Iloff
Salary$10 Million +
Net Worth$100 Million

The Profession and Lifestyle

This is just a tip of the iceberg when it comes to how Osteen squanders his fortunes. It is evident that he owns a 17,000 sq ft mansion in River oaks, an affluent neighborhood in Houston that he bought at $10.5 million back in 2010.The house has six bedrooms and bathrooms, three elevators, a pool, guesthouse and five car garage. The value of this property today ranges between $14-16 million.

In addition to the above properties, Osteen also owns another residential home located in Tanglewood; another rich area within Houston which he acquired for $2.9 million in 2001.This house boasts of a floor space of about 5,600 sq ft with four bedrooms and bathrooms. There is also another vacation house situated at Vail in Colorado measuring about 2,000sqft which he had purchased for$2.5million by the year 2007.

Osteen also likes spending his money on vehicles, attire for himself and his wife, as well as jewelry and tourism. One such car is Ferrari 458 Italia which costs around $230,000. Another vehicle he owns is BMW 760i which can be purchased at about $140,000 mark. In addition to these luxury items, he puts on designer suits watches shoes and travels either by private jet or first class through airlines. He has visited countries like Israel Italy France Australia amongst others.

Lastly, Osteen gives away money to charity and supports several causes. To his church alone he has given millions of dollars as well as to organizations like World Vision Samaritan’s Purse Billy Graham Evangelistic Association among others. In addition to this there have been devastating natural calamities such as Hurricane Harvey that hit Houston 2017 where other parts of Texas were affected too destroying homes including one million dollars check for the victims in his sheltered church being used as its relief centre until the end of time when it was opened.

Most Famous Books

Your Best Life Now: Seven Steps to Living at Your Full Potential (2004), which sold over ten million copies and spent over two hundred weeks on New York Times bestseller list.

Become A Better You: 7 Keys to Improving Your Life Every Day” (2007), published by Simon and Schuster, which sold over four million copies and debuted at number one on the New York Times bestseller list.

Think Better, Live Better: Victorious Life Begins in Your Mind” (2016), – another of his New York Times best sellers that also reached number one in sales; it was bought by more than a million people.

Controversies and Criticisms

Despite his popularity and success, Osteen has faced controversies and criticisms from different quarters. He has been charged with preaching a “prosperity gospel”, which asserts that God responds to faith and obedience with wealth and good health. Additionally, he is too positive, optimistic as well as does not talk about sin, judgment or repentance. Moreover, some have questioned his political affiliation’s appropriateness as well as the way he handles issues relating to abortion, homosexuality or immigration.

One of the most memorable controversies Osteen interviewed on during 2017 was when he was accused of failing to open up his church for Hurricane Harvey victims. Initially Osteen said that the church was unreachable due to flooding but later admitted that it was false. He apologized for delay stating that he needed the city authorities’ permission to open the church. He also argued that he offered support in other forms such as supplies, volunteers among others.

Another controversy that was faced by Osteen in 2019 was when he invited Kanye West, the infamous musician and entertainer, to address his church. West had just converted into Christianity and had produced a gospel album where he praised Osteen and gave his testimony. Nonetheless, many authors ranted at Osteen for partnering with West who had previously made controversial and offensive statements as well as acts such as endorsing President Donald Trump, wearing a “Make America Great Again” cap and calling slavery a choice.

Some Interesting Story about Joel Osteen

During his youth, Osteen was not a confident and charismatic preacher. He used to be an introverted child who had difficulties in speech. He performed some duties at his dad’s television ministry before it happened that he died leaving him with the mantle of leadership as far as the church is concerned. This fear and stuttering were done away with which made him have the membership of those in his congregation increase from 5,000 to 43,000.Apart from these, he has faced controversies regarding his theology, style of preaching as well as associates.

Osteen’s narrative bears the hallmark of transformation, stammering boy into silver-tongued preacher, timid adherent into audacious chief shepherd or humble servant versus wealthy socialite. According to him, grace and favor bestowed by God are behind this achievement and he teaches them how they could live by faith having hope and being positive always. However, Even though some people hate him , many others love him dearly ; but all the same for good news about God’s kindness which is revealed through Jesus alone keeps on coming from Mr. Osteen.


Joel Osteen is one of the richest religious leaders globally moreover his influence has been felt far and wide. Joel Osteen net worth has an estimated of $100 million as at 2024. His books, TV programs, podcasts and live shows have created an enormous cult following across the globe making him a household name. In addition, he has accumulated wealth beyond imagination which he spends lavishly on luxurious life style plus charitable causes.

However the greatest criticism against Joel Osteen lies in his teachings of God’s word; furthermore there are critics who argue that his personality does not come out when he preaches while others say that he hangs out with wrong types of people but all in all this makes him a man whose opinions are either loved or loathed. As per your opinion regarding Joel Osteen’s net worth do let us know through comments.

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